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Bullying And Harassment Prevention

N.E.W. Academy of Science and Arts is committed to providing a safe and civil learning and working environment. NASA takes a strong position against bullying, hazing, or any behavior that infringes on the safety or well-being of students, employees, or any other persons within the charter's jurisdiction or interferes with learning or the ability to teach. NASA prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a complaint or participates in the complaint investigation process.

Bullying and hazing are part of a continuum of aggressive or violent behaviors. Some acts of bullying or hazing can and do constitute other categories of misconduct such as assault, battery, child abuse, hate-motivated incident, criminal activity or sexual harassment and, as such, violate other charter school policies. In such cases, charter school personnel are obligated to follow appropriate charter school reporting guidelines.

Kindness Works

Bullying Brochure English

Bullying Brochure Spanish 2012 13S Econd Stepp Bullying Harrassment Curriculum Bpu Scope And Sequence

S Econd Stepp Bullying Harrassment Curriculum Bpu Scope And Sequence

Bullying And Hazing Policy Student To Student And Student To Adult

California Department of Education (CDE) Bullying Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

CDE Bullying Prevention Training Resources

Cyber Bullying Resources for Educators

Cyber Bullying Resources for Parents

US Department of Ed. Guidance on Bullying of Students with Disabilities

US Department of ED Guidance on Race-based Bullying and Harassment