Principle’s Message
It is with the utmost honor and pleasure that I welcome each one of you to this 2024 – 2025 school year! I am very proud to be the new school Principal of this incredible community called NASA! I vow to support all NASA students, helping them meet their academic and socio- emotional needs. NASA continues to be one of the best bilingual schools in the community of Belmont Pico-Union, and I strive to continue to add to the legacy of this remarkable school. Our amazing teachers have been extremely busy getting ready for this school year, creating incredible learning environments where all students feel welcome, safe, learn, and thrive. Teachers are excited to meet their new students and provide engaging lessons that help them develop subject matter concepts, life skills, become self-directed learners, work collaboratively with their classmates, and become critical thinkers.
Our primary goal is to build a community of lifelong learners who will become leaders in a multicultural environment. With this in mind, collaboration among parents, teachers, and administrators is key to making this happen for all our NASA students. As educational partners or even as a first-time visitor, I invite you to explore our NASA website, and learn about everything happening in our school. We are here to make a big impact in our Belmont Pico-Union community. Please, do not hesitate to reach out should you need anything. We are here to help. Thank you for making NASA your school of choice and allowing us to support your children in their learning process.
Dr. Nelsy Jackson